, , & , D-Macs: building multi-device user interfaces by demonstrating, sharing and replaying design actions, in Ken Perlin, Mary Czerwinski, & Rob Miller (eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, New York, NY, USA, October 3-6, 2010,129-138 (ACM ). DOI  PDF


Multi-device user interface design mostly implies creating a suitable interface for each targeted device, using a diverse set of design tools and toolkits. This is a time consuming activity, concerning a lot of repetitive design actions without support for reusing this effort in later designs. In this pa- per, we propose D-Macs: a design tool that allows designers to record their design actions across devices, to share these actions with other designers and to replay their own design actions and those of others. D-Macs lowers the burden in multi-device user interface design and can reduce the neces- sity for manually repeating design actions.

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