, , & , Migratable user interface descriptions in component-based development, in Peter Forbrig, Quentin Limbourg, Bodo Urban, & Jean Vanderdonckt (eds.), Interactive Systems. Design, Specification, and Verification, 9th International Workshop, DSV-IS 2002, Rostock Germany, June 12-14, 2002,44-58 (Springer ). DOI WWW  PDF


In this paper we describe how a component-based approach can be combined with a user interface (UI) description language to get more flexible and adaptable UIs for embedded systems and mobile com- puting devices. We envision a new approach for building adaptable user interfaces for embedded systems, which can migrate from one device to another. Adaptability to the device constraints is especially important for adding reusability and extensibility to UIs for embedded systems: this way they are ready to keep pace with new technologies.

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