, , , , & , Evaluation of AR pattern guidance methods for a surface cleaning task, in 2024 ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), (Association for Computing Machinery ). WWW  PDF


We investigate the efficacy of augmented reality (AR) in enhancing a cleanroom cleaning task by implementing various pattern guidance designs. Cleanroom cleaning is an example of a surface coverage task that is hard to execute where the pattern should be followed correctly and the entire surface should be covered. We developed an AR guidance system for the cleaning procedure and evaluated four distinct pattern guidance methods: (1) breadcrumbs, (2) examples, (3) middle lines, and (4) outlines. We also varied the scale of the instructions, where information is present either on the entire surface or shows the instructions as a single step when they are necessary. To measure the performance, accuracy, and user satisfaction associated with each guidance method, we conducted a large-scale (n=864) between-subjects study. Our findings indicate that the single-step instructions proved to be more intuitive and efficient than the full instructions, especially for the breadcrumbs. We also discussed the implications of our results for the development of AR applications for surface coverage and pattern optimization, providing a multitude of observations related to instruction behaviors.

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